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What is faith at home?

It’s easier to say what Faith@Home isn’t than what it is. It’s not a program or a sermon series. Neither is it the latest church fad. In fact, the latest research offers a sobering reality regarding faith at home. Fewer than 10% of parents who regularly attend church with their kids read the Bible together, pray together (other than at meal times) or participate in an act of service as a family unit. 69-94% of children leave the church after they complete university.  

How did it come to this? The Scriptures are clear that the home is the primary place where faith is nurtured and passed from generation to generation. (Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 2 Timothy 1:5). 


Having said all that, Faith@Home is not just for families with children! Are you newly married, single, or now living in an empty nest? Are you the only Christian in your family? We are all called to embrace a faith-filled and Christ-centered home life, no matter your stage and season.​


Our church is participating in a survey to discover your faith practices in your home. Your participation is essential so that we can continue to help you live out your faith in the current home environment you're in!


This survey is only for regular attendees of our church and is password-protected. Please complete the survey by 30 September 2024.

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